⚡ Incentivize clicks. Get more sales.

"Why am I getting this email?" — quick reminder:

You may have signed up on my homepage, for one of my free resources (1KS Roadmap or Mark Manson onboarding templates), or you were referred here by a friend's newsletter. If not, unsubscribe at the bottom — no harm, no foul.

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⚠️ WARNING: this email contains graphic screen shots of a killer engagement & upsell strategy. Reader discretion is advised.

"And the idea is it's the only newsletter that rewards you for getting smarter."

Katelyn Bourgoin mentioned it in last week's podcast episode that she launched a 𝘯𝘦𝘸 newsletter experiment:

→ a 'bonus' edition called Fri-yay

Sounded fun so I checked it out (like the diligent newsletter nerd that I am).

And what did I find?

Well for one, it's really good. You should check it out.
(tip: just subscribe to Why We Buy and you'll get it every other Friday)

But one engagement tactic really stood out to me.

FIRST: Get readers to vote on a poll disguised as a quiz 👇

SECOND: Incentivize the voting with a prize

THIRD: Send voters to a sales page that's disguised as a Thank-You page 🤯

Why is this awesome?

→ People need incentives to act. The chance of winning a prize is more than enough to get a click. But if that incentive wasn't there, you might not be bothered.

→ Clicks are strong engagement signals for email clients. More clicks, less spam folders, more inboxes. That's good, right?

Easy ROI. Katelyn only needs TWO sales of her $129 course to justify the $250 prize. Since over 63k readers will get this email, that shouldn't be a problem.

What do you think? Smart or nah?

Newsletter Hits
Of The Week

⚡ Celebs are launching newsletters. Here's why.

(Also a strong signal newsletters are a legit publishing medium, right?)

⚡ He hit 1M subscribers with no full-time employees. Here's how.

⚡ 7+ uncommon ways to make newsletter money.

⚡ Will this media shift BREAK newsletters? This publisher thinks so.

Do it. Experiment a little.

"Success isn’t a ladder, it’s a series of experiments."

— Anne-Laure Le Cunff on the Growth In Reverse podcast.

video preview

Watch now →

And you can listen here:

Apple Podcasts

Newsletter Events

Sponsor Games - Mar. 16-19 - San Antonio, TX
Hosted by Justin Moore

The Newsletter Conference - May 02 - New York City
Hosted by Who Sponsors Stuff

Craft & Commerce - Jun. 11-14 - Boise, ID
Hosted by Kit

(Got a newsletter-related or other relevant event coming up? Let me know!)

The Funnies 😆

A fallen brother.

Twitter gurus...

Do newsletters better:

The 1KS Roadmap: A Free Course To Your First 1,000 Subscribers
Increase opt-ins like a best-selling author (FREE templates)
Start a newsletter for FREE with Kit (free up to 10k subscribers)​*
→ Book a 1:1 newsletter strategy sesh w/me: 30 mins || 60 mins

Peace and platonic love,


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* indicates affiliate links. I get paid a small commission if you use these links to purchase a product or service.
